The girl in the middle
I’m sitting between the two of them again. Why does this keep happening? Its honestly so nerve wrecking. I lean over to the left a little. I wonder if he will notice that I moved. I’m leaning, I’m leaning. Just as I’m about to reach it, he sees me. I catch his eye first. He sees me then he sees what I’m trying to get. I point to it. He follows my finger. Then he looks up at me. I look back at him. I’m trying to convey something with my eyes. He’s looking directly at me now, but he doesn’t get it. I’m still staring at him. He’s staring back. We’ve been staring at each other for almost three minutes now. Our concentration is broken now by the one on my right side. He looks at the one on my left. Now there staring at each other. I stare at the one on my right and then the one on my left. Then I look at the clock on the wall. Ten minutes have gone by now since we started this thing. Our thing. I don’t know what to call it. I wouldn’t even know how to explain it to you. All I can tell you is that me, and him and him are involved. I sit right in between the both every day. Oh yeah, in case you were wondering I’m a girl and both of them are boys.
The boy on the left
I sit on the left; he sits on the right with her in between. She’s starting to lean again. I don’t look her way. She’s doing it again. I already thought that. You can hear my thoughts. Well sorry I’m being redundant, but she is doing it again. What she does every day. I never know how to react when she begins to lean. Should I play along when she starts to reach for it or should I just watch her. Wait until she leans to far and falls out of her seat. No that would be wrong. She would get hurt. I’m sorry I know your not enjoying this. I’m thinking to much. All this is is a thing. A thing that we do every day. She leans. I look at her. She stares at me with this look in her eyes. II haven’t quite figured out what it means but she’s doing it right now. I just look at her. I don’t know what else to do so I just look at her. I never reach down and help her get what she’s reaching for. I don’t understand why she keeps reaching for it every day. She knows she’ll never get it. It’s his turn now. The one that sits on the right he stares at me. I look back at him. I’m not sure what this part means yet. Why he always catches my eye at the exact moment. Every day? No every year? Every week? I’m not sure which one because I’m not sure what were doing or how long we’ve been doing it. Oh, wait the clock on the wall tells me we’ve been doing this activity our activity for ten minutes now. I want to look down, but I can’t break our gaze. Ask me what it is that we’re doing. Ask me what this activity is called because maybe if you did, I could finally think of something to tell you.
The one who sits behind them.
I’m watching them now. They do this every day. There little exercise. She leans. He stares. She stares back at him and then something takes place between them. I haven’t really figured out what it is yet but its something. The one on the left is quiet but I bet he has a lot going on in his head. He looks clueless but I don’t think he is. People don’t always convey what they would like to at the same time people are usually what they seem. There’s always an in between. Any way this thing they do is so intriguing to me. Especially when I get to be apart of it. When they start to stare at each other I stare as well. Its never breaks there concentration though because I’m not that clever. The one I haven’t figured out though is the one on the right. How he factors into this exercise I’ll never know. I’m not him. Are you shocked? Probably not I gave it away. No, I sit behind them and watch all of this happen. It’s been ten minutes since all of this started. At least I think it has. That clock can be a bit wonky.