A spider creeps up the wall.
I watch it as it forms a web around the wall.
I stare in amazement at this creature and it's creation.
It's majestic and amazing that such a small creature
could create such a vast and complicate thing.
I used the word thing.
Lately, this word has been apart of my vocabulary
just floating around in my brain.
I have no idea why, but I think it may be because
I've been going outside and staring at nature.
I don't know why but they give me hope.
The things outside.
They don't talk to me and they don't judge me.
I guess if nothing else can help me understand the mystery of Christ
a thing with no voice can.
Just the fact that it's their everyday
despite the wind and rain that it encounters give me hope to keep going.
If God can create something with such consistency then he must understand consistency.
He is consistency himself.
And if I can't rely on this consistency, his consistency
then what else do I have?