23 is
Not knowing what happens next
· Its scary
Using my own two feet to walk
· Not yours
No longer making excuses
· You’ll have to excuse me today because I made an excuse.
Crying and then smiling a second later because of that epiphany I just had
· Don’t ask me why I cried when I started to smile.
Telling them the truth no matter how bad it hurts
· Being vulnerable is hard for me.
Growing my hair out and feeling unpretty sometimes
· Not today, today I feel pretty.
Having an idea and pursuing it
· This poem was an idea and now your reading it.
Honestly telling you I have no idea what I’m doing
· Hi, my name is Aleah and I have no idea what I’m doing.
Occasionally knowing what I’m doing
· Nope still don’t.
Not thinking about my 24th
· I’m trying to learn how to love the years God gives me one year at a time.
Remembering my 21st
· I met myself that year.
Realizing what I learned at 22
· I can’t do this life thing without God.
Choosing God for myself
· Remember when I said I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t really have to because God does.
Letting them in and letting them go
· Letting go of past hurts and allowing new friendships to flourish.
23 is the age I turned this year.
23 is another year of life.
· Happy 23rd Aleah, from an Aleah who has been 23 for a month now to a past Aleah who just turned 23.